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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Pub Blogging Challenge

Sophia over at 2peas gave us a blogging challenge today. List 10 food/drink items that you crave and can't turn down!!!

1. Diet Coke. No if's, ands or buts about it. I MUST have my Diet Coke daily.
2. Pecan Pie know, the Little Debbie's cheap ones??? Can't turn 'em down!
3. Dark Chocolate...anything dark chocolate.
4. Oatmeal raisins, no nuts...just ooey, gooey warm oatmeal cookies!
5. Tortilla chips and warm refried beans. Yummy!!! They can be an entire meal for me!
6. Wedding Cake...the kind with the "real" buttercream frosting!!! Must be moist!!
7. My only 2 "milk" chocolate loves.....TWIX Peanut Butter Bars and Reese's Peanut Butter cups.
8. Cold Stone Creamery's Birthday Cake Remix ice cream!!
9. Red Vines.
10. and last, but certainly not least....McDonald's French Fries. There's nothin' like 'em!

A little known fact about me: I can't mix my foods on my disgusts me. I have to eat them one at a time and they can't touch!!!

That's it for today. Plain and simple! I have to work all day and have training all day tomorrow...yuck! Have a great day!!


Kimberly said...

Cool Blog Chelsea! Now, I just need to learn to add to mine! Thanks for the extra push and inspiration!

Bobbie said...

Your list is making me hungry! LOL I am currently trying to lose weight,so all food make me hungry.

Tina said...

Wedding cake! I need the cheap whippy cream stuff! Cute blog girl!

Cami said...

cool list :D