Recent Designs

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My Favorite This and That...

Here's my challenge to the CMK girls for today and anyone else who'd like to try:

Post your favorite in each of these areas and explain how you'd incorporate it into your scrapping.

1. Kind of Music: Country {Tim McGraw preferably!}
2. Decorating Style: Very Eclectic...shabby meets country
3. Hair color: On me? the color of Camryn's hair which I had at her age, too.
4. Piece of Clothing: My Old Navy Pink Lounge Pants
5. Item to collect or hoard: can never have too many jackets
6. Favorite City to Visit: So far....Mazatlan, Mexico
7. Favorite Job I've Had: A Valet at the Greyhound Race Track {great tips!!}
8. Favorite Animal: My fat cat Charlie who passed away 2 years ago.
9. Favorite Food: Steak, Baked Potato and Salad
10. Favorite Room in my House: My's where we hang out together, eat, talk and even watch the tv in the family room! could I incorporate these things into my scrapping???
1. Scrap the pictures from Tim concerts.
2. Scrap pictures of my house and my style.
3. Scrap a picture of me when I was younger with a picture of Camryn now.
4. Um....scrap in my favorite pants?
5. Take a picture of all my jackets...oh...good idea!
6. Scrap some pictures of our trip to Mazatlan when I was pregnant with Camryn
7. Do a page about all the jobs I've had
8. a page about my Charlie..I"ve been holding on to these pics.
9. I could SO do a page about this!!!
10. I don't think I've ever even journaled about my kitchen and all that we do in it...hmmm!

Hope this gives you some certainly has for me.


Bobbie said...

What a fun idea! Great way to learn a little more about each other. I will be doing this later today on my blog.

ashlee said...

great list! i love tim mcgraw...he's a hottie!

Carrie Postma said...

This is fabulous! Great ideas!!!

Cami said...

love your list Chelsea!
thanks for being so inspiring with all these ideas. I fully intend on participating very soon :)